Chaos & Amazement #2333 Foomscrolling, Werner Herzog, and Planet of the Bass
Greetings from Kigali - I am almost home. Delve into AI's potential, industry lessons, creative AI, cosmic wonders, and more in this edition.
Tech news
AI's potential to transform our world. It is not yet clear how the power and possibilities of AI will play out. Here are the best-case scenarios for how it might help us develop new drugs, give up dull jobs and live long, healthy lives
Ever found yourself endlessly scrolling through intriguing content? Discover the resurgent techno-optimism and insatiable curiosity that drives us to explore the boundless depths of the digital universe.
From Ford's infamous Edsel car to Coke's New Coke blunder, even giants stumble. 33 of the biggest failed products from the world's biggest companies
Fresh AI
Experience an intriguing fusion of AI and narration as Werner Herzog lends his voice to 'I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks.' Listen to a snippet of this unique project that explores the boundaries of technology and creativity.
From my blog
On the 12th of August, a pivotal event unfolded within the pages of H.G. Wells' science fiction masterpiece "The War of the Worlds." This date marked the commencement of a cataclysmic alien invasion that would forever alter the course of human history, both in Wells' original novel and in its musical adaptations. https://bnox.be/2023/08/the-chances-of-anything-coming-from.html
Meet Mackey, my ten-year-old tortoiseshell cat. whose distinct character piques curiosity. Her intriguing behaviors showcase a distinct personality, and her deliberate displays of affection have me contemplating the concept of "tortitude," which, as it turns out, is a real phenomenon. https://www.bnox.be/2023/08/mackeys-tortitude.html
Weird and Wonderful
Slightly unsettling! Watch @TheSlowMoGuys dive beneath the surface of tattooing in ultra-slow motion.
Tattoo on Transparent "Skin" at 20,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys
DJ Crazy Times (Kyle Gordon) drops the ultimate Eurodance parody, "Planet of the Bass". "Women are my favorite guy" speaks to my soul.