Tech News New social network is gaining traction among artists who don't want their work used for AI. It offers portfolio & feed views, is currently free & ad-free, but might require user fees in the future. LinkedIn announced multiple new AI features to make the job search easier and faster, as well as help users expand their network and learn new career-related skills. One feature allows users to get real-time personalized advice while watching courses.
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Chaos & Amazement #2424, Kling AI…
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Tech News New social network is gaining traction among artists who don't want their work used for AI. It offers portfolio & feed views, is currently free & ad-free, but might require user fees in the future. LinkedIn announced multiple new AI features to make the job search easier and faster, as well as help users expand their network and learn new career-related skills. One feature allows users to get real-time personalized advice while watching courses.